2017 07 25
Departmental updates:
Purchasing CH:
Haven't been buying much as we haven't needed much. That may change as we have more users using things.
We may have missed bits from the purchasing list.
Infrastructure BC:
MCP - making forward progress, LDAP server is up, we've started work properly on the new membership signup stuff. In the next couple of weeks we should have something we can share and at that point we can move on to design and updating the website. MVP DUE DATE End of August.
Haccess - BJD has done a revision of the Haccess board, final prototype which has been up and running in the space for a couple of months. BC/BJD happy to fit this to the inner door now. There was some discussion at the MMM of fitting the lock, options include staged process and just making sure that regular members have keys. DUE DATE: 15-08
Electricity installation - BJD has a list of about £200 worth of equipment to work on this. We need to discuss a budget to return some money to him for this - we need receipts. We need the electricity sorted by END OF SEPTEMBER.
Accounts - we've got about 4.5k in Barclays, we're not far off breaking even - about 200-300 down per month. Departmental updates:
Purchasing CH:
Haven't been buying much as we haven't needed much. That may change as we have more users using things.
We may have missed bits from the purchasing list.
Infrastructure BC:
MCP - making forward progress, LDAP server is up, we've started work properly on the new membership signup stuff. In the next couple of weeks we should have something we can share and at that point we can move on to design and updating the website. MVP DUE DATE End of August.
Haccess - BJD has done a revision of the Haccess board, final prototype which has been up and running in the space for a couple of months. BC/BJD happy to fit this to the inner door now. There was some discussion at the MMM of fitting the lock, options include staged process and just making sure that regular members have keys. DUE DATE: 15-08
Electricity installation - BJD has a list of about £200 worth of equipment to work on this. We need to discuss a budget to return some money to him for this - we need receipts. We need the electricity sorted by END OF SEPTEMBER.
Accounts - we've got about 4.5k in Barclays, we're not far off breaking even - about 200-300 down per month.
Website KR - set up a beta site to allow tinkering. TK has done some basic design work. Needs to hook into ldap.
Membership KR - about 8 new members in the last 3 months. Changed the gocardless to 10/15/20/25 etc and got rid of the old gocardless "staving hacker" rate. Custom amounts (12.63) have to be set up individually. Membership is slowly growing.
Promotion - we need to do more of it, however we have people dealing with this in the MMM.
H&S CH - happening slowly.
Insurance - we still need some at the least PLI for MakeFest.