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Wood Lathe

Trainee name Date

Theory questions

  • What is the difference between TCT tools and HSS tools?
  • How can a user assess the toxicity of a wood and what is the procedure when the wood is determined to present a toxicity risk?
  • What is the correct PPE when working on the lathe?
  • What are some things that could make a piece of wood unsuitable for working on?
  • Where should you stand when turning the machine on?
  • Which areas around the machine should be clear in order to ensure the safety of other users?
  • Which item of PPE is considered dangerous when working on the lathe?
  • What risks do wood shavings present to other users of the space?

Practical Test

Checks/demo whilst unplugged

  • Is hair tied pack, sleeves rolled up etc?
  • Is correct PPE being used?
  • Identify the following items
    • Belt guard
    • Belt/speed settings
    • Tailstock
    • 4 jaw chuck
    • Faceplate
    • Drive centre
    • Live centre
    • Screw chuck
  • Explain risks of catches whilst side turning and basic precautions
  • Explain risks of catches whilst face turning and basic precautions
  • Identify a TCT tool and a HSS tool
    • Explain how to replace cutting tool
  • Using an example piece of material, assess its suitability for woodturning.
  • Using a piece of material suitable for woodturning, set up the machine correctly for work, noting in particular:
    • Gear selection
    • Choice of mounting
    • Position of tool rest

Checks/demo whilst connected to power

  • Demonstrate roughing out of workpiece noting position of operator and grip on tool
  • Demonstrate selection of appropriate cutting tool for various tasks
  • Demonstrate some detailed work on workpiece noting position of operator and grip on tool
  • Demonstrate how to listen for poorly tensioned belt and appropriate remediation
  • Demonstrate re-selection of belt speed and tool rest position as workpiece is shaped
I confirm the above named has received the safety induction as indicated on this checklist I confirm the above named has received the safety induction as indicated on this checklist
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