Telegram is an instant messaging platform some of our members use to keep in touch and help each other out. It's useful if you can't find something in the space and want a fast response.
Using telegram is optional. Announcements and important messages will always be posted to our forum first and foremost. Please do not feel like you need to catch up on every message.
Installing Telegram
Telegram has a number of clients for various platforms:
You will need a phone number to sign up for Telegram. This is kept private and hidden from other Telegram users by default, although other Telegram users who already have your phone number in their address book will be notified that you have joined Telegram.
Lots of conversations happen on telegram. To avoid being overloaded by notifications, you may can either mute individual channels which do not interest you etc or mute the entire group.
If you mute any channels, you may still receive notifications from them if another person directly mentions you or replies to one of your messages.
The following tables list our group chat channels and their purpose. Click their name to join.
Group name | Purpose |
Hackspace Manchester | The main telegram group, split into lots of topics so you can follow your specific interests. |
Doorbot | Entry and exit logs of opted in members. Setting an 'Announce Name' in your Membership Settings will opt you in. Leave blank to opt-out. |
Channel Name | Purpose |
Announcements | News of members meetings, hack-the-space days, or outages / issues with the Hackspace or equipment. Please do not chat here. |
General & Help | The first point for any questions and unspecific queries. |
Help out | Any requests for volunteers needed around the space will be posted here. |
Metalwork | Metal workshop and metal related chat and questions. |
Woodwork | Wood workshop and woodwork related chat and questions. |
Electronics | Electronics area and electronics related chat and questions. |
Visual Arts | Visual Arts area and crafts related chat and questions - sewing, painting, textiles, printing, crafts. |
3D printing | 3D printer and printing related chat and questions. |
CNC | CNC area and CADCAM related chat and questions. |
Bike space | Bike repair and bicycle related chat and questions. |
Laser cutter | Laser cutter related chat and questions |
Show and Tell | Show off your projects, finished or work in progess. |
Events/Meetings | Events and meetings coming up at Hackspace. (Also see our calendar) |
New Member Questions | Ask your newbie questions here. |
Games Night | Board gaming & game night related chatter. |
Clutter Exchange | The free member jumble sale. Offload your unwanted treasures to other members. |
Open Evening Guides | Help run our open evening tours, or ask questions about them here. |
Welding | CNC area and CADCAM related chat and questions. |
Tangents | A place for your dedicated chatter. If you start a conversation elsewhere that moves on, please take it here to spare others from the notifications. |
emfcamp | EMF camp is a bi-yearly makers festival. This chat is used to arrange the Manchester village. |
Elections | Open only during Hackspace election season (~September). |
Some of these groups are private by default – in which case we'll list their existance, but you won't be able to join them from this page.
If you would like to join one of our working groups please email
Group name | Purpose |
Laser Training | Used to coordinate Laser training sessions between trainers and those waiting to be inducted. You will be given a link to this group automtically on the "training next steps" page, after requesting an induction on our Laser Cutter via the membership system. |
Laser Maintainers | A private group for the maintainers of our Laser tools. |
Digital Infrastructure Working Group | A private group for the members looking after our digital systems. |
Membership System Log | Logs from the Membership System, for our Digital team to keep an eye on. |