Metal Lathe
We have three metal lathes at the Hackspace - Myford ML7 - Warco 220 - Atlas Halifax
The Warco 220 currently belongs to Michael / MuteDuck
The Myford ML 7 is on loan on a (hopefully) permanent basis from Steve. As such, treat the machine with respect and do not abuse/mistreat it.
The Atlas Halifax lathe is currently in the middle of being reninvated / converted to a cnc lathe. It belongs to Richard / Garlicbread
The Myford ML 7 lathe was manufactured in the 1940's as a light machining and model lathe. The lathe has the space to take a roughly 5" diameter by 20" length piece of work (double check actual sizes).
This machine is ONLY for metalwork, and should only be used by people who have been trained.
The Atlas Halifax -
- When first starting to use the lathe, the oil containers on top need to be turned a quarter turn to undo them to let the oil start to flow. These need to be closed off after you have finished using the lathe
- There are 13 points that need to be oiled (16 on the diagram), place the can with a black tip of the metal bottle onto each point with a single squeeze to force oil into these points
Trained users
Only the following people have been trained to use the metal lathes. Nobody else may use them. If you think your name should be on this list, please contact the metalworking team via Telegram.
- Greg Morris
- Richard Westwell
- Alex Bennett
- Stephen Procter
- Michael Hindley
- Jason Mosely
- Ellen Pearce
- Paul Plowman
- Jamie Helsby
- Adam Paigge
- Adam Fraser
- Wayne Smith
- Bob Clough
- Jason France
- Mark Concannon
Lathe Tour
A Brief outline of the different part names of a Lathe, and what they are (generally) used for.
needs more info
Safety Precautions
Please follow these safety precautions when using this machine, and again, DO NOT operate this machine if you have not been trained, or do not feel confident with it.
- Always ensure someone else is in the space when using the lathe
- Always wear Eye Protection
- Swarf can be very sharp, and the last place you want it is in your eye.
- Do not wear loose fitting clothes, especially anything with long
loose sleeves. Short sleeve shirts/t-shirts are recommended.
- Even though this is a small Lathe, this machine still has enough power to break you.
- Do not wear jewellery which could get caught in the machine. This includes bracelets, necklaces, watches etc.
- Tie back long hair to keep it away from the work
- The chuck key has a home on the little metal plinth in front of the gear housing. Get in the habit of the chuck key being there when not in use.
- Keep fingers clear of a moving chuck and workpiece
- Never reach over a moving chuck
- Make sure that the work piece will not foul on any part of the lathe when turned on - always spin the chuck by hand before starting the machine
There will probably be more to come over time, but these are some main ones. Obviously, do not be an idiot, and think about what you are doing first.

- Ensure the oilers are kept topped up, and opened when the lathe is in use
- Oil all oiling points regularly - see the diagram on the right.
Inductions are now available - please ask in the Weldy Grindy Telegram group or contact Mike Hindley via Telegram to arrange.
During this training session, trainees will be able to make a small decorative ring in brass and learn the following skills:
- Health and safety
- Using the 3-jaw chuck
- Facing and turning to diameter
- Drilling
- Boring
- Grooving and parting off
Other skills will be taught upon request - this can either be on material supplied by the trainee (a project, for example), or the material can be supplied by the space for a small fee.
Myford ML7
Purely the basic factory manual.