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Meeting Information

Meeting Date/Time: 2024-10-07, 19:00
Meeting Purpose: board meeting
Meeting Location: online


People who attended: - HA - Chair - JC - BD

Agenda Items

Item Description
AGM • CCTV plans
• New Storage roll out
• Name change decision
Harvy • Potential Role swaps
• Discuss Area coordinator role and if we want any changes
• Finalise loan forms
Rob • Make me do the end-of-year accounts for 23/24
Ben • Electrical cert update - should set date for them to return and pay to have them finish any outstanding tasks
Joe • How do we ensure forward progress of the space? (In regards to there's a lot more clutter than there used to be, a lot of tools seem to be broken again, areas are unusable as they are now full of junk).
• How can we improve participation in the space and in our comms (loads of people seem to be disengaged from our emails, forum and telegram, which is a big problem)
• Toilet, messy sink and smelly room
Area meeting updates • Risk assessment review - re-write needs halting and existing process needs completing
• Restrictions on woody events
• Discretionary spend for each area
• Latest on CNC / Mark situation?
AoB • Dates for Xmas party, HTSD, MM, Area meetings, board meetings, etc
• Motorcycle parking (made its way onto VA re-org thread)
• Access control, keyed alike locks, keyholders, and appropriate expectations re access in different scenarios
• Volunteer meets
• Area cord meets?
• Other volunteer things? Like discussing open evenings and stuff
• Keeping track of members notices


Based on the fact Holt Town regeneration is a long way away, we are willing to invest in CCTV. JC mentioned higher theft and safety of members. Tools to be branded to deter theft. Updated map for CCTV and reiterate forum post for safety areas.

Bought stuff for new storage roll out. Seems on track. Need to decomm online system.

Undecided on name change. JC recommends wait for new board.

Role swaps - HA wants to be digital coordinator. No other swaps mentioned.

Everyone happy with area coordinator description. Teams should be more transparent.

Approved 2 Loan forms from Ammiel, just need pics and signing. Send back to email as PDF.

JC suggesting to pay for people to finish the work off for electrical, as we are taking in a lot of money. BD is saying we are pretty much finished apart from lids and EL, we just need the changes to be reverified.

JC mentioned mess, broken items, people coming up with ideas but nothing gets done. This seems like a wider space problem and very board for this conversation. The corner of doom can be cleaned out by HTSD.

Big disengagement problem with all comms, how can we get members engaged again? Mailchimp out regular newsletters.

JC is offering services for £150 a day to fit out the toilet and messy sink. Toilet and messy sink, just needs door and seat. Boxing and ceiling needs doing for aesthetics. Ben suggests just getting the toilet to a usable state. Could be done for HTSD.

We should let woodworking decide for themselves in an open meeting if only handtools is allowed at certain times.

All in support of discretionary spend, start with small amount. JC in support of yearly, HA in support of monthly. HA thinks CNC room management is a disaster. Something needs to be done but not sure what.

November 16/17th HTSD, 18th December for Xmas party.

Motorcycle parking to be parked for later.

BD to rebuild Access control. Low priority rekeying the locks, no idea who keyholders are. Should get digital infra involved.

Events to get people in, like arduino basics. JC is looking to setup some classes

Action Items

To be copied to trello | Item | Responsible | Due Date | | ---- | ---- | ---- | | please do end of year accounts | rj | now | | get images for loan items and sign forms | harvy | | to ask digital infra to decom online storage | jc | | new quotes for electrical cert or call the same people back. EICR and NICE registered. Talk to Ben Dooks as he will be off for a while in October | jc | w/c 15 oct | | try out new format meetings | harvy | next week | | chat to mike about regular newsletter | js | | ask Ammiel to do risk assessments | jc | before next meeting | ask woodworking to hold member meeting to discuss power tool ban | harvy | next week | | propose 18th december christmas party, htsd in nov| js | | ask ACs to hold in area meetings | harvy | before next meeting | specific meeting for new board members | harvy | after elections | discuss motorcycle parking in another meeting | harvy | next meeting | decide what to do with name change vote | work out team onboarding |

Other Notes & Information