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Meeting Information

Meeting Date/Time: 2024-07-15, 19:00
Meeting Purpose: board meeting
Meeting Location: University


People who attended: - HA - Chair - RJ - JS - JC

Agenda Items

Item Description
Chair • This meeting and what it is for. Discussion on changes
• Publishing of minutes
• Parking
• Safety purchase proposal
Treasurer • General budget trend
• Purchase proposal, clarifying amendments for upcoming members meeting + item coming up
• Co-operative bank account take-over (make work for Bob to figure out, or go all-in on Natwest)
• Define consumables
Infrastructure • Electrical compliance
Membership • Social media update
Development • 5 year plan
Wood • Banned power items timeslot
• Angle grinding
CNC • Is there any update on this?
thinks they can make decisions on room use
Storage • The future of storage
3D printing • Prusa XL
• New coordinator?
Electronics • Leak still ongoing
Metalwork - Welding • Appoint a new coordinator or merge with metalworking?
Area coordinators • Appointment process (criticisms re: “unelected dictators”)
• Relationship with maintenance teams
• Raul stepping down, potentially dissolve welding coordinator and transfer to metalwork coordinator


Ideas for changing the board meetings. Make the agenda less imposing and keep updates short. Get area updates more regularly. Option to also have separate meetings for specific large items.

CCTV - happy to keep all new cameras internal, could consider having a few cameras in safe areas so members can use them to capture footage. Aware of potential blind spots. The privacy policy will be updated on the forum (locked post) and website, we will offer feedback via email for a month's consultation period then email the final version to all members. JC has asked we don’t engage with members about this on telegram or forum. Go ahead has been given to start buying internal cameras.

Previous board minutes should be published and anonymised.

Parking is a shitshow. Council either don’t respond by email or phone for any issues we are having, HA has requested more permits but they could be already stolen from the mail room. JC suggested using Alan Good for parking woes. Epermits should be redistributed to active members. HA said he would do a 6 month review anyway. We should put up a sign in the space for parking permits and make a distributor so people only take one.

We should write up a mechanism for safety equipment that we can all agree on. Discretionary spending exists. We could maybe make a pot for safety equipment spending but also pointed out we would never reject anyone requesting valid safety equipment . We could empower area coordinators to buy equipment or members can request and area coordinators can approve. We should establish how much can be spent on this.

RJ said something about finances… something something £5600 a month Snackspace amounts need adjusting. Purchase proposals were clarified. We’ve agreed we should move money out of coop into Natwest. Some discussion on if we should open a savings account but then we could be liable for interest. Or we could open another account somewhere so we have redundancy. There should be some security mechanism for withdrawing large amounts.

We are clear as a board on consumables. Some things should just be a purchase proposal.

We should ask BD to pay someone to do electrical work and cert.

For membership we’ve more events happening now like DM Labs, Show and Tells and a potential space meeting. Ideas of a community board or information corner. The forum could be changed to show events near the top of the main page. Newsletter needs to happen. For tours we need more members and it's dwindling. Also concerns about quality. We could remove the 8:30 slot or change tours dates

5 year plan Looking to get member buy in. 5 pillars of hackspace. - share docs with board - volunteer roles and culture change

Peter’s tool restrictions we need to decide on how to respond to Peter about wood working. We don't want to ban things, members should be able to ask. Areas should indicate what is and isn't allowed in the space.

Safety around CNC machine build out. Things that need to be addressed are air lines compliance, call out critical infra, H&S has been considered, Mark has checked it and a loan form has been signed.

Storage JC has proposed an analogue system and it will force people to rotate out quarterly.

Prusa XL is now live Area coordinator for 3d printers is a bigger problem than just getting a new area coordinator. Possibly gut the group, to keep more active people.

Leak is still here and not going away. Northern should be starting work soon.

Ask Mike if he wants to take over welding. Backup options are available.

Get area coordinators to meet up and give more transparency to members. Reaffirm rules for area coordinator. Team level discussions. Area meetings and Area coordinator meetings were suggested.

AGM announcement, JC to come up with voting options (via HA via greg) and board roles.
This also includes changes to voting timeline.

Agreement that Greg is returning officer

Action Items

To be copied to trello | Item | Responsible | Due Date | | ---- | ---- | ---- | | come up with voting options | joe | before election | | area coordinator meetup | harvy | | address CNC room issues | unknown | | let greg know he is RO | harvy | before nominations | | talk to greg about voting options | harvy | before nominations | | rearrange meeting agenda | harvy | before next meeting | arrange seperate meetings to discuss items | harvy | before next meeting

Other Notes & Information