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These Terms of Reference applies to all sub-committees

  1. The Board of Directors (“the Board”) has established the following Sub-committees to which it has delegated authority to exercise powers on behalf of the Board for certain functions, and in addition delegated responsibility to make recommendations to the Board for decision. The relevant functions are listed under the appropriate Sub-committee heading

    The Finance Sub-Committee (FSC); The Membership Sub-Committee (MSC); The Health & Safety Sub-Committee (HSSC); The Infrastructure Sub-Committee (ISC); The Outreach Sub-Committee (OSC).

  2. In accordance with the Articles of Association, the Board may add to, remove or amend any or all of those functions at any time.

  3. Meetings of all Sub-committees are open to all Members to attend and raise their views, whether or not they may sit as members of that Sub-committee though only members of the subcommittee may vote on decisions.
  4. Membership of each sub-committee will include by default 2 board members and at least 3 other members. Members can be nominated to subcommittees via election following the same rules as Board of Directors elections (if determined by the Board as the most appropriate way), self-nomination and approval from the board or by being co-opted by a sub-committee (see section 5)
  5. Each Sub-committee shall have the power to co-opt Members to serve as members of the Sub-Committee, provided that:- 5.1 such co-optees would not otherwise be excluded from serving as the Director of a Company under the terms of the Companies Acts; and 5.2 such co-optees are members of Hackspace Manchester; and 5.3 the names of all such co-optees are submitted to and approved by the Board of Directors following the meeting of the Committee at which the co-option took place. Such approval may be granted by email, telegram, telephone call or other means of communication.
  6. The Chair of each Sub-committee shall be decided upon annually by a simple majority vote of the membership of the subcommittee and formally approved by the Board.
  7. Membership of Sub-Committees is for a period of two years, Members may be reappointed to the subcommittee after this time.

  8. The quorum necessary for the transaction of business shall be either 3 or 50% plus 1 of the current membership of the subcommittee whichever is greater.

  9. A duly convened meeting of the Sub-committee at which a quorum is present shall be competent to exercise all or any of the authorities, powers and discretions vested in, or exercisable by, the Sub-committee.
  10. Dates for all Sub-committee meetings (“the Meetings Calendar”) shall be agreed between the Board and the chair of each sub-committee each year following the Directors Election cycle and approved at the first board meeting of the governance year (normally October) and published by the Company Secretary (or their delegate).
  11. Unless otherwise agreed, notice of each meeting confirming the venue, time and date together with an agenda of items to be discussed and supporting papers, shall be forwarded to each member of the Sub-committee and posted onto the Hackspace Forum at ​ ​ usually no later than 4 (four) working days before the date of the meeting. The agenda shall be copied to the board via email to ​ ​.
  12. Meetings of each Sub-committee shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Manchester Makers Ltd (Hackspace Manchester) Articles of Association governing the proceedings of directors.
  13. Each subcommittee shall ensure accurate minutes are recorded and made available within 7 days following the meeting to the Board via email and uploaded to the SubCommittee Minutes Repository on GitHub
  14. The Chair of each Sub-committee shall submit a report to the Board in advance of a Board Meeting on any other matters to which it is felt that the Board’s attention should be drawn. The Chair of each Sub-committee may also be required to respond to questions from the Board on the business conducted at meetings of their Sub-committee. The agenda for every meeting of the Board shall contain a standing item to this effect.
  15. Each Sub-committee will have the power to setup working groups made up of members of the Sub-Committee and other Members of the Space to work on a specific project or activity (Tiger Teams)
  16. Formal recommendations made by each Sub-committee shall be included in the Sub-committee Chair’s report to the Board of Directors and will be voted upon in the manner of any resolution laid before the Board of Directors.
  17. The Board may at any time review its Sub-committees and may either establish new Sub-committees, or vary the functions of, or wind up any Sub-committees, to assist it in fulfilling its responsibilities.
  18. All Subcommittees should prepare a report for the members meeting following their meeting